Warehouse Organization: What We Can Learn From Marie Kondo

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Does Your Warehouse “Spark Joy”? What Marie Kondo’s Methods Can Teach Us About Warehouse Organization Marie Kondo has become a household name when it comes to organizing and decluttering. While her KonMari MethodTM rose to fame for those wishing to declutter their homes, the principles can also be applied to warehouse organization. Let’s take a […]

Trends in Warehouse Automation: Inventory License Plating

Warehouse workers doing Inventory License Plating

Trends in Warehouse Automation Manual or outdated processes often slow warehouse operations. With evolving technology and a significant shift towards automation, warehouse operators are constantly assessing what additions to implement for increased efficiency. One such process to consider automating is how you scan and track inventory – using license plating.  Inventory license plating plays a […]

Software Compatibility: Our Number One Priority

Sage warehouse management software

In today’s modern world, technology is everchanging. Therefore, technology improvements, software updates, and development need to coexist to stay updated with the latest and greatest.  Ensuring your devices remain compatible with your operating system (OS), Sage warehouse management software, and other applications you use is about more than housekeeping. It’s about making sure your business […]

Trends in Warehouse Automation: Warehouse Pallet Tracking

Working with warehouse pallet tracking

Boost Productivity With Warehouse Pallet Tracking Solutions for Sage 100 Users Tracking pallets in the warehouse can be tricky, and if you’ve ever wondered how it works and its benefits, you’re not alone. However, there are enormous advantages to warehouse pallet tracking as your product goes through the supply chain. As we continue to see […]

Trends in Warehouse Automation: Wave Picking

wave picking in warehouse

How Wave Picking can Benefit Your Operations  As fulfillment centers struggle with how to meet the challenges of an increased demand for order fulfillment, many companies are examining internal processes, like picking, to determine if there is a better, more efficient way to increase throughput. Smart warehouse managers realize that if they reduce an employee’s […]

Trends in Warehouse Automation: Multi-Bin


Trends in Warehouse Automation: Multi-Bin Modern distribution operations can no longer settle for viewing inventory by warehouse. In busy warehouse facilities, knowing where your items are located is just as important as knowing inventory stock levels. Multi-Bin solutions help warehouse workers streamline the process of identifying where inventory is located within your facility. And with […]

Highlighted Feature Video: Container Receipt Management

If you have items in transit to you – perhaps items are stuck on the water – and you’ve taken ownership of the inventory for accounting purposes but don’t want the items reflected in inventory as available for sales, use Container Receipt Management. How it works: In Sage, create a Receipt of Goods for the […]

Ship All & InstaShip: Highlighted Feature Video

If you’ve completely staged an order and all items and quantities have been picked, you may want to ship the entire order without scanning each individual line/item. Ship All and InstaShip are two similar features that let you do just that without the need to rescan the entire order at checking and packing. How it […]