Sage 100 Case Studies
Discover how our customers use our Sage 100 solutions to streamline inventory management and future order fulfillment.
ScanForce offers the fastest and most stable wireless solution on the market. Wireless communication allows your staff to have the information whenever and wherever they need, and Sage gets populated the moment the transactions are performed.
A barcode label can be scanned in approximately the same time it takes a keyboard operator to make two keystrokes. Scanning eliminates human assumptions when coming across two part numbers that look similar. For accuracy and efficiency, look no further.
Manufacturing Automation Highlights:
Tracking production in your Sage 100 system can be challenging. ScanForce Production Management Automation module uses handheld scanners to record materials issued, capture the finished product, and indicate the quantity produced.
The ScanForce Bill of Materials module keeps track of production and seamlessly integrates with Sage, relieving the inventory of the components used and placing the finished products into inventory through production entry.
Learn more about our manufacturing automation for Sage 100.